Simply Be : Why do people take before and after photos?

Sunday 14 February 2016

A photo can share so many things, a beautiful memory, a silly moment, a cute new dress, but at this time of year, we are encouraged to share our before and after photos, and the diet industry is running rampant. Photos can be so important, but the kind of before and after photos that I want to see aren't of 'good' or 'bad' bodies, because all bodies are good bodies!

Simply Be asked me to write about why I love my body, and that was easy! You can read all about why I and several other bloggers love our bodies here.

I love that Simply Be want to see you take a negative and turn it into a positive. We put our bodies through so much. Did you get stretch marks when you were pregnant? Awesome! You were able to carry a life inside of you and have a baby. 

Do you have a strong nose you inherited from your Dad's side of the family? Kick ass! You can literally see your family history in the photos of your great-grandparents and their relatives.

Did you used to wear super flared jeans and trip over them smashing your face into a brick wall, requiring stitches in your face and being scarred for life? Amazing! You ended up with an adorable and unique facial scar that actually you really love. (That one is maybe sort of me. I am not looking forward to flares coming back into fashion).

You are worth so much more than the numbers on a scale. What makes you wonderful is what's on the inside. It's how you like to surprise your Grandparents with a visit, or that you always make sure your best friend has gotten home safe from a night out. It's that people know you are are available on the phone whenever they need you, and the way you can't resist rescuing just one more cat. That's what is important about you. Not the weight of your thighs or the wobble of your chin, it's the kindness in your heart that matters.

Your body is just your vessel, the thing that allows you to be the bad ass babe you are. So be good to yourself, and remember that the only kind of before and after photo that counts, is one in which you are smiling.

Much love,
Kitty xxxxx

Written in collaboration with Simply Be.


  1. What a great post with lots of of good advice and positivity.

  2. As someone who has a massive scar and several smaller ones after a terrible accident these are wonderful words to ponder. My body is a long way from perfect to look at but it survived against all odds. I love your post.

    1. Thank you! I am so glad it resonated with you. You are here to tell the tale and that is amazing xx

  3. I Love this post it is so important to love our bodies right now instead of always putting it off xx

    Miss Kitty Kaos - Adventures Of A Riot Grrrl

  4. You beautiful, wonderful, positive lady <3
