A Morris-Wood Wedding : The Importance of Your Wedding Photographer

Thursday 24 March 2016

Like a lot of people, I only plan to get married the once. It's going to be one of, if not the biggest day of my life, and I want it preserved perfectly in photos to keep forever. Your photos are such a big part of the day, and picking the right photographer is so so important. I've seen a trend recently in magazines and various media outlets suggesting that actually, rather than spend money on an incredible professional photographer, you should just get a mate to do it!

There are a whole bunch of things wrong with that suggestion, and I'm going to talk about why you should book a real, actual, wedding photographer, and the reasons people usually give for not doing it.

Photography by Dave Fallon Photography
There was an ugly sign on the lawns in this photo, not anymore with a pro!

1. Wedding photography is expensive.

Damn right it is! So first off, when you book a wedding photographer, you aren't just paying for that one day. You are paying for years of skill, training, practice, editing and love for their job. Photographing a wedding is bloody terrifying. And I know that, because I've done it! It is the most important day of most people's lives, and they are trusting you to give them because photos back, so wouldn't you want to give that job to an experience professional? Editing your wedding photos takes hours and hours. Every single photo needs assessing and checking, and processing and perfecting. A raw iPhone or camera photo is not the same thing a wedding photographer gives you. Do you have any idea how long it takes to put together an album? To make sure it flows perfectly and tells a story?You are paying for skills, time, experience and love. Your wedding photos are forever. Saving a couple of quid in the long run isn't worth it.

Photography by Naomi Jane Photography
That rainbow! It takes serious skill to capture that and the rest of the scene so well.

2. Having a friend do it means a better rapport and feeling more comfortable.

So not true. This is why meeting your wedding photographer before hand is so important. A good wedding photographer will make you feel like a million bucks, seamlessly blend into the background for all those perfect moments, and also make you comfortable. Meet them before, skype with them, book an engagement shoot. There is a photographer to fit you. Our wedding photographer Donna of ClickClick Bang Photography is a tattooed zombie loving bad ass, so I knew she was perfect for us! It's not all stuffy men in suits now, you can find someone you click with easily.

Photography by Emma and Rich
Smoke bombs and off camera flash, amazing!

3. Having a friend do it means you can see the photos right away!

Yup. You can see their unedited, not properly composed, not correctly exposed photos right away! The reason you have to wait to get your photos back from a professional is because they have to edit every single photo to get that look you want. Wedding photography is mostly seasonal work, April-September is prime season and so so busy for photographers, so a little patience is worth it for those photos that you will treasure forever.

The photo below is a panorama made up of 45 images! So much time and work for a beautiful photograph full of depth. Well worth some patience.

Photography by ClickClick Bang

4. It's convenient! If the person taking the photos is already a guest they are already at the event.

I've been on the other end of this one, as a relative who was asked to take photos at a wedding, and let me just say, it bloody sucks. You don't get to enjoy the wedding or experience it, you miss out on all the moments you are supposed to be enjoying and being a part of. I actually think it's really unfair to ask a guest to do this. You invite someone to your wedding to be a part of your day, not to have to work all day. They should be dancing with you, not snapping away watching.

Photography by Colin Sanderson
The light in this is just at the perfect location, due to an off camera flash! Those hair lights.

5. You can always edit the photos with apps after.

.... I can't even begin to explain how wrong this one is. Sure Instagram is fun for your selfies, but the resolution of most photos put through apps is so small you could never print them at a decent size. You are not going to be able to do a professional photoshop edit on a photo through an app, especially when the photo wasn't of professional quality to begin with. You will end up with grainy, low resolution photos with a gimmicky edit, instead of a beautiful photo that will stand the test of time that you could show future generations.

Photography by Adam De-Ste-Croix http://www.saintecroix.co.uk/
This was taken as a surprise streak from a wedding guest into the sea! A perfect hilarious moment captured forever.

6. A non-professional gives you a different perspective!

Do you know why a photographer doesn't use a GoPro with it's fish eye lens? Or hold the camera at a jaunty angle? It's because it's a gimmick. It might be fun now, but in 10 years time you'll be cringing at that extreme wide angle, and that selective colouring. Your wedding photography should last forever, not follow all the fun social media trends.

No amateur is going to get you something so spectacular.

7. It's more special if someone you know takes the photos.

Sure, if someone you love takes the photos you can think of them fondly... but what if it all goes wrong and you fall out with them? What if they don't take the photos you expected and instead disappoint you? Your relationship will never be the same again, and it's just not worth losing someone you love over. Can you imagine having to look at photos your brother's ex wife took who cheated on him a bunch for example? I know I wouldn't be able to look at them the same. This won't happen if you hire a neutral professional.

Photography by Simon Dewey
Such a cute moment, a pro knows what to keep an eye out for.

When you hire a professional, you have back up. If your photographer is ill, they can and will get you a replacement for them at super short notice. If their memory cards corrupt they will be much more likely to be able to recover those photos for you. If it rains all day and is super gloomy, they'll have lights and ways to work around it. They have insurance to cover themselves and their equipment saving you any headaches. They have back up cameras and external lighting, so if your drunk Aunt spills their pint on their camera, they have another one! Can your mate with a camera say that?

Photography by Dom Clark

Wedding photography is about moments. Capturing all those sweet exchanges, those laughs and the joy. It's being daft and having an idea that works! Like in the shot above by Dom Clark, what an ace concept for a shot of the groomsmen!

Photography by http://samandlouise.co.uk/

True art in the form of wedding photography. The rain and the light make this, a non-pro couldn't have done this, especially not in those conditions.

Next week I'll talk about how to book a professional photographer and still save money!

Much love,


  1. You're very true. I do love snapshot photos from weddings, and sure enough modern cameras can produce amazing snaps, but the real art comes from the time and skill from a pro. If you can afford it, it's definitely a must.

    1. thank you. I talk about saving money and still booking a pro in next Thursday's wedding blog, I totally understand how tough it can be!

  2. Thank you for saying that people should hire a pro! I freelance in photography and so many clients (I shoot fashion) have bailed on me because they can get it "free", but then the images aren't what they want at all!

    1. Oh I know those feels. While not a wedding photographer (I just find it far too stressful), I also do freelance fashion and everyone expects a freebie!

  3. So many super helpful tips, and so many gorgeous pics. I am going to refer my soon to be sister-in-law to this post...

  4. I had a wedding photographer - yes it was expensive but it was worth every penny. We paid a little extra so that we owned all the images and I really cannot recommend that more! Our pictures are beautiful, everyone single one of them, and it made the day so much less stressful because he knew all the shots that had to happen rather than relying on myself or my hubby to direct them!

    C xx

  5. These wedding photos are truly adorable. Thanks for sharing these photos here. I will tie the knot soon and going to hire a local Port Macquarie Photographer. Have seen his work and loved it. He captures truly amazing photos.

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