Punky Pins Haul

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Every now and then I seem to go on little lucky streaks and win competitions I enter online, and recently I've won two! One of those was run by Punky Pins, hosted on their instagram. While I didn't win the top prize, I did win a 50% off voucher that I was thrilled with. I'd been planning on placing an order, so it was clearly meant to be! They then hosted a 'seconds' sale, selling off slightly faulty designs cheap, and I couldn't resist grabbing a ton of their designs. So here's what I bought with my voucher!

These three were all the pins I got in the seconds sale, so all have slight faults. With the first pin you can see the lettering is missing some of the black colour, with the cats pin it is less obvious, and the cat has a mark on his pink belly, and in the guitar it is even less obvious, with a slight bit of colour missing at the bottom of the V of the guitar. None of the faults are really obvious, and when sold at half price you can't complain. With my 50% off voucher I really couldn't say no!

Mermaid Pin (no longer available)

And now, a trio of mermaids, how could I resist?! They are all so different from each other. My favourite is probably the chubby mermaid, I love that she is fat, as well as a woman of colour, it's fab seeing a brand with diversity in their range like this. Next fave is the spooky mermaid because she's cute and slightly terrifying at the same time. Lastly I had to get the classic mermaid because she's so sassy and I like her shell.

You know I had to get the cactus pins, I'm obsessed! I had a cactus pin on my denim jacket but it's pin is badly placed so it turns around and I couldn't stand it any more. Given that my life is ruled by cats I had to get the bad ass 'worship me' pin, and that ghost in a flower crown is just the best sort of spooky cute! I love that Punky Pins have so many pins with a feminist message, the lipstick and knife set is adorable and feisty and why wouldn't I want the word feminist emblazoned upon my jacket?

I could have bought SO many more but just had to stop myself somewhere. I want all their pins and can't wait to see what they come out with next.

Much love,
Kitty xxxx


  1. That Mel Stringer Punky Pins collab is the best! I already have one of your picks, I wonder if you can guess which... ;)

    Lis / last year's girl x

  2. I love these! The skull mermaid is SO me, might just have to go on a little shop when I get paid!

  3. I have to say, I really like the guitar and skull mermaid ones! I think they would be great for my wife as well!

    1. get yourself some husband points and surprise her!

  4. I do love punky pins, they do some really fun pieces. That chubby mermaid is my favourite.
