Abyssrium : My New App Obsession

Thursday 12 January 2017

I'm not hugely into gaming, but sometimes I do get super obsessed with apps on my iPhone, and my newest one is the fish collecting, aquarium building adorable that is Abyssrium. It's a free app, I saw someone post about it in a Facebook group I'm in and curiosity led me to download it... and it is so damn cute.

With Abyssrium you are introduced to Lonely Coralite, your very own coral who has no fish friends. Your aim is to grow Lonely Coralite, add corals to them and gain fishies. To grow the goodies to get the fish you have to collect vitality which is obtained through tapping Lonely Coralite, and growing your corals. With vitality, you can then get fish!

There are so many adorable sea creatures you can collect, from goby and clownfish, through to jellyfish, whales and sharks. My personal fave is the oarfish, pictured in the photo on the left because it is hilarious. It wiggles it's way around the screen in a way that makes me laugh every time it appears. You can unlock new fish in a variety of ways, usually by collecting vitality, but there are also secret hidden fish you are given for doing certain actions. For example, the Narwhal (seen below left) is given when you have tapped the top left corner of the screen 5000 times. I googled how to unlock them all because I have turned into an Abyssrium nerd and found a website with all the info you need, Sir Tap Tap. Also, handy tip, some of the fish are unlocked only through sharing photos you've taken them on social media. There is however a glitch in the game that means the game thinks you've shared a photo as soon as you click share to twitter, if you then cancel and don't actually share it, it counts!

I find the game weirdly relaxing, the little fish floating about are kind of soothing, and you can collect gems to change the colour of your corals and the water to make it look as pretty as you like! Lonely Coralite even has costumes! There are ads in the game, you are given gems and vitality for watching them, but it is entirely optional to watch them (they just make progressing quicker!).

If you want something cute, fun and free to play, I totally recommend Abyssrium!

Much love,
Kitty xxxx

PS. This isn't a sponsored post, I just really, really like this game.


  1. This looks so lovely, and really relaxing! I love the colours too. It reminds me of another game which you might like called melodive which is set in space, but very swirly and relaxing. I've totally just downloaded your one, so will give it a go! :) xx

    1. Oooo will have to look that one up, I love that sort of thing! I used to play a PS3 game called Flower that was amazing and kind of similar xx

  2. Now I think I would also love this and I have made a note to download it x

  3. Wow this is so cool! Would never think to download something like this :) Seems super relaxing!

  4. Aww this is so cute. As are you. I think I may have to download, not that I need any more distractions!

    1. I am terrible and get so into apps like this haha :P
