Adult Colouring Books : Floribunda by Leila Duly*

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Adult colouring books are one of the new big trends, and I have been so intrigued to see one in the flesh. The idea of them is wonderful, a more complicated version of a colouring book designed with adults in mind.

When Laurence King Publishing Ltd got in touch about their newest adult colouring book, I couldn't resist. The lure of botanical illustrations was totally up my street, especially when I discovered they were inspired by the English countryside. I love our countryside and nature so much. I feel incredibly lucky to live somewhere so pretty.

'Floribunda' by Leila Duly is absolutely beautiful. It retails at £14.95 and you can grab it on Amazon here. It features 20 illustrations to colour in on very high quality card, put together in this beautiful book.

It has some examples of the plants you can find in the book in the inside cover, so if you choose to colour them in scientifically, you can use it as a reference point. I opted to just use whatever colours I wanted!

The illustrations themselves are just absolutely lush. The level of detail is incredible, and they are so pretty. They are art that could be displayed as is.

The mixtures of different flowers and botanical goodness make for a very detail-centric colouring book.

I treated myself to some colouring pencils as such a beautiful book deserved some good pencils! We have some kicking around the house for my step-kids, but they are a bit worse for wear.

I opted to start at the very beginning, a very good place to start! This circular design is so intricate. The more you look at it the more details begin to pop out at you.

The use of the black sections really helps distinguish where one plant or flower starts and the next begins and is a really great touch.

I started at the bottom with some pinks and purples. I haven't coloured in years and I sat happily colouring for a good while, while my step-kids coloured in their Adventure Time colouring books.

I'm not the best at colouring in, but I really enjoyed myself. It was so relaxing, and I lost myself in my own little world concentrating on all the little details. Knowing I have a full book of these illustrations is filling me with delight! I can see myself sat in the garden through the summer happily colouring away, enjoying the nature outside too. Hours of lovely relaxing quiet.

Have you tried any adult colouring books? What are your favourites?

Much love,
Kitty xxxx

*this book was gifted to be for review purposes. In no way does this impact upon my opinions which are entirely my own.


  1. Awwwww this looks divine AND a fair bit to colour in each drawing! I want to get an adult colouring book and thus gas confirmed it 💙

    Thanks for sharing!

    Leigh at Fashion Du Jour LDN HQ x

    1. thank you! Totally try one, it's really relaxing :)

  2. I have to be honest I don't really get this trend, but you have coloured those flowers beautifully.

    1. thanks! I took ages to get it just right haha

  3. They look like some gorgeous designs, though I do like the swear word ones hehe!

    1. Oh I totally plan on getting a sweary one too. There's a cute cat one on ASOS too with paisley cats!

  4. They look fab! I have one too and it's a great thing to do as a hobby :)
