5 TV Shows I Recommend

Sunday 22 January 2017

In the next blog of my '5 things' series, I thought I'd recommend 5 of my all time favourite TV shows. Some are newer, some are older, but all of them are ones I'd happily rewatch and adore for different reasons.

1) Oz

Possibly my all time favourite TV show, Oz was truly groundbreaking. A prison drama, it started in 1997 and features issues and themes that would still be considered controversial today. There are a whole host of main characters with massive story arcs and character development, and some seriously incredible acting. This has just been added to NowTV and is absolutely worth the watch. It can be hard to watch at times, but also laugh out loud hilarious at others. I think it was hugely influential in all the television that came after it, it was the first HBO drama that really pushed boundaries. If you watch this, I also promise you that any TV show you ever watch after this will have you shouting 'oh, that's so and so from Oz!' because their actors pop up in everything.

2) Sons of Anarchy

This isn't a show without it's problems, but it is fantastic gripping television. It follows the story of Jax Teller and his biker gang, and their criminal activities. There are so many characters in this that you will love to hate, and one episode of this made me cry like no other TV show ever has! If you like long haired beardy men, this one is full of eye candy for you too.

3) Adventure Time

So here me out, yes, this is technically a kid's cartoon, but I love it! It's creative and surreal, and completely bizarre at times, but it also features lessons and ideas that are so important to teach children. From accepting everyone regardless of their species or appearance, to having characters with no distinct gender, and a totally created family, it tackles some hard issues in fun and wonderful story lines. I will never not think that Lemongrab is hilarious, and Lumpy Space Princess is ridiculous.

4) Star Trek : The Next Generation

Way back in 2012, my life changed completely. I was finally brave enough to leave the terrible relationship I was in, which also meant some tremendous changes. I quit my job, handed in my notice on my flat, and I moved across the country to be back near my family. But before I did all that, before I knew what I wanted to do, or was strong enough to do it, TNG was there for me. It sounds daft I know, but this TV show was there for me when no actual human could be. Team Picard Forever.

5) Buffy The Vampire Slayer

I know that Buffy can be problematic, and is just about the whitest TV show ever, but for 14 year old me, this was the first time I saw a really feminine girl be a total bad ass. She didn't need anyone, not her watcher or any man to save the world, she just needed herself and her friends. She was so cool, and characters like Willow also helped me realise that being a nerd was OK too, and bad ass in her own different way. Seeing a strong female character was so huge for me and I am grateful to Buffy for existing when she did.

I could talk about a whole bunch of other shows I love, but these are probably my all time faves. This week at least! What are your faves? I'm always looking for new shows to watch!

Much love,
Kitty xxxx


  1. Not really my type of tv shows but I loved the girl in buffy, too bad she died!

    1. Which girl? The girl who played Buffy is very much alive, and the character was at the end of the show too!

  2. Oh my word, I've only ever seen Star Trek out of all of these. Shame on me! Mich x

    1. Haha well, maybe they can inspire some future watching! x

  3. Love this round-up! I got into OZ late..but it was AMAZING!! I kinda want to rewatch it now! LOL

    1. Right?! It took me so long to find it so I could show my husband it, and now it's on NowTV I'm recommending it to everyone!

  4. I am intrigued by Oz and keep meaning to download it! I loved Buffy and also the Angel spin off. I haven't seen any of the others though xx

    1. I loved Angel too, anything with more David Boreanaz in it was a must! xx
