Lunch Break Holiday

Thursday 16 July 2015

 Where I work, we don't really get lunch breaks that involve our colleagues. There is only 3 or 4 of us in the office, so we usually lunch one at a time and whenever I can, I like to sneak off home to play with the cuddliest friend I have.... Ashen!

Travel Supermarket very kindly sent me a package specially for my lunch break, so me and Ashen had a picnic in the garden sat on the lovely picnic blanket they sent, and he discovered the total joy of the frisbee!

We had lunch, and a snuggle in the sunshine, sat on our picnic blanket. Could they be more the definition of heart eyes? What a cutie.

I tried to chill out for a bit but well, Ashen doesn't like sunbathing because it doesn't involve cuddles, so he promptly climbed all over me until I got up to play. No one needs a chubby rottweiler-cross climbing on them, it'd mean some interesting tan lines!

Ashen had never seen a frisbee before, so I could not wait to introduce him to it. Look at that face, he was totally fascinated when I told him it was for him.

Ashen fell totally in love with it! Yay! I couldn't ask for a better #LunchBreakHoliday than time in the sun with my pooch. He wasn't so great at catching, but he sure loved that frisbee.

Travel Supermarket have an amazing Lunch Break Holiday competition, running until 30th July, and you could win your very own real summer holiday, or a huge summer party for you and your colleagues! All you need to do, is take a photo of yourself enjoying your very own #LunchBreakHoliday and post it on instagram or twitter with the #LunchBreakHoliday and be sure to tag @TravelSupermkt on twitter! The most original photo will win, so get thinking :D

Much love,
Kitty xxxxx

*The items featured in this post were provided by Travel Supermarket for promotional purposes.
